
Final fantasy rusty coblyn
Final fantasy rusty coblyn

final fantasy rusty coblyn

If this trope is common enough, then averting it would be a valid subversion of expectations. However, if he has a real ability that doesn't need it (like Nigh-Invulnerability), then it makes more sense to shun protection. Surprisingly Realistic Outcome if he dies in an accident, or Safety Guy lives through one. They might actually throw away or take off the gear if it's offered. Or because he's a Karma Houdini, he doesn't need it. They believe that safety is for wimps, or believe that they are a badass without any safety gear. They protect you and keep you from getting killed or severely injured in an accident or combat. There are perfectly good reasons to have safety gear.Explains what the expected outcome is and why it wouldn't work. And then the sword breaks since he just shoved and dragged though solid rock. At one point Subaru falls off a cliff and attempts to reduce the momentum by sticking a sword into it like in movies.Explains how the work sets up an expectation, and then subverts it due to being unrealistic. Her instructor isn't impressed by how she tries to talk her way into a passing grade and tells her that's not how life or road safety works. Then she tries the same tactics during her driving test after she makes some minor mistakes and then scrapes several parked cars. Her dad encourages this behavior, as a lawyer. Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: Cher has spent most of the movie using the power of persuasion to get her way, from earning higher grades in debate class rather than putting in actual work.IIRC most stages in the series have people cheering the fighters or just ignoring them, so having people actually be scared of the attacks might be a valid example. If you break his statues, he'll get angry and crumble to his knees in despair. In the second area - which would later become Yang's stage in 2nd Impact - the manager is clearly pleading for everyone to stop fighting. On the other side of the street, a guy is absentmindedly stirring his ramen bowl because he's too distracted by the spectacle. In 2nd Impact, he'll still be smoking, but will look pretty confused and scratch his head if you accidentally break open his crates. Meanwhile, a bird merchant looks bored while enjoying a smoke. There's also a bus driver who's visibly annoyed and yelling at them for blocking traffic. The result is a combo of a Funny Background Event and Surprisingly Realistic Outcome an elderly couple is just a few feet away from the fray, and the worried wife yanks her husband back whenever an attack gets too close for comfort. Unlike most other locations in the series, Yun's fight in New Generation actually takes place on a street in Hong Kong.and looks visibly pained and wobbly as she is getting up. Played for Laughs and for Surprisingly Realistic Outcome in Goblin Slayer, when the agile, lithe High Elf Archer performs this move jumping down from a second-story.It explains why the audience would expect a different, less realistic outcome. Another comic has Fluffle stuffing herself into a Sailor Fuku, which somehow leaves her barely able to move (despite her having done cosplay a dozen times already).The example explains what the expected unrealistic outcome is. You'd expect the police to be completely incompetent on a show like this, but no in no time at all, three cops are at the Aqua Teens' house, and when Meatwad keeps stalling them, one gets fed up, maces both him and Shake, and threatens to come back with a search warrant and arrest them for harboring a fugitive. In "Fry Legs", Frylock slips into full Yandere mode over a computer repairwoman who doesn't return his affections, murdering her boyfriend in the middle of a crowded restaurant.A very triumphant music track plays.but it abruptly stops when Henry falls down due to the diamond being very heavy. One of the options to get past him is to jump over him with the diamond in tow. In the last part of the "Undetected" run in Stealing The Diamond, Henry now has the diamond in his possession all that stands between him is the guard downstairs.Twilight's desire to spend some quality time with Princess Celestia ends up failing because Celestia is obligated to welcome each and every individual guest to the party, leaving her with no time to talk to her and catch up.A massive event that's seen as the greatest event of the year that anyone who's anyone will get to go to? You're going to run into a few problems: The GGG is built up as an event where the ponies' dreams will come true, and the song sets up the unrealistic expected outcomes Surprisingly Realistic Outcome: An entire episode focused around it.My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic S1 E26 "The Best Night Ever".

Final fantasy rusty coblyn